
We are presenting to your taste the varieties of apples that are grown by using most natural methods in the fertile soils of Isparta, Konya, Niğde and Karaman. The varieties of apples, which are unique with their flavour and taste, i.e. Red Delicious, Starking, Scarlet Spur, Pink Lady, Granny Smith and Golden, will serve as a vitamin supplement and contribute to reinforcement of your immune system. Your body will regain its natural health miraculously thanks to the fruit of apple that acts as an antioxidant.

Red Delicious Apples

It is a more colourful and tasty apple variety that is obtained by mixing French and American varieties. Red Delicious, which is a very juicy product that is quite suitable for any taste, is fully resistant to spotting.

Fruits of this product, which is acceptable as a quality standard, are in medium-large size. Red Delicious, which may be preserved neatly thanks to its shiny red skin, is also resistant to transportation and picking procedures.

This product, which is harvested in the third day ten day period of September, may be presented to the taste of consumers until March when it is stored under suitable conditions.

Starking Apples

It is a variety of apples characterized by its shiny and red skin and tasty flavour. This product, which is grown commonly in several locations in Anatolia, is described as the tastiest form of red apple. The structure of Starking apple variety, which has a juicy and hard structure, is not round, but is in a star shaped conic form.

The variety of Starking, which leaves a sweet taste in the mouth thanks to its hard and tasty structure, plays an important role in reinforcement of the immune system thanks to the high rate of vitamin C available in its content. It is a variety of apple that is preferred frequently by persons doing diet, detox and sports due to its fibrous structure.

According to various researches, it is revealed that it provides protection against various brain diseases, such as Parkinson and Alzheimer etc. It is also rich in antioxidant materials due to its red colour.

Benefits of Starking Apples

  • It improves memory.
  • It provides protection against cancer.
  • It reduces bad cholesterol.
  • It is beneficial against constipation.
  • It rejuvenates the skin.
  • It boosts the immune system.
  • It makes falling into sleep easier.
  • It provides protection against Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases.
  • It cleans teeth.

Starking apple, which is often preferred in various tasty snacks, such as cakes and pastries etc., is harvested in October, November, December, January, February and March.

Scarlet Spur Apples

Scarlet Spur variety of apples that originates from the USA is in dark red-bordeaux colour and is sweet, juicy, hard and quite tasty. Fruits of this variety, skin of which is in a creamy colour and which is crispy, are large and long-conic shaped. Coloration period is in the end of August.

This product, in which the varieties of Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala Group and Brauburn are used as pollinators, is preferred on semi-dwarf (MM. 106) and classic rootstocks. This variety, which holds the soil quite neatly, does not require any support.

Its harvest season varies between 3rd week of September and 1st week of October by region.

Pink Lady Apples

Pink Lady apple variety, which originates from Australia, is a variety of apple with a pink skin on a light yellow surface. This variety, which may also be used between meals thanks to its specific flavour, gains a perfect flavour when it is consumed few months after the harvest season.

Skin of its fruits is quite hard. Therefore, it is a variety that is suitable for long travels and cold storage. They may be stored in cold storages for approximately 7-8 months without losing their characteristics.

Harvest season of this variety, in which Granny Smith, Starkrimson Delicious, Red Delicious and Fuji varieties are used as pollinators, is in the 1 and 2 weeks of November.

Granny Smith Apples

It is a variety of apples that is known for its slightly sour taste and green colour. This variety, which has a hard and juicy structure, has a refreshing taste. This variety, fruits of which are large and spherically shaped, has a mildly sour and unique flavour. Skin of the fruit of Granny Smith, which is particularly used in deserts, has a greenish white colour and is crispy.

This variety, which may also be consumed comfortably by diabetics due to its low glycaemic value, may be stored for a long period under suitable conditions.

Its harvest season varies between 4th week of September and 2nd week of October by region.

Golden Apples

Golden variety, which is known for its yellow colour, juicy structure and specific taste, is listed among the variety of apples that is consumed the most in winter. Golden variety, which is in medium size, is large and has a little bit of a long form, draws attention by its thin skin.

Golden apples, which leave a nice flavour in the mouth thanks to their mildly sour flavour, may also be consumed as a fruit juice in breakfasts

Benefits of Golden Apples

  • It is literally a source of health thanks to vitamins A, B, C and E that it contains.
  • It boosts the immune system.
  • It affects the metabolism positively thanks to minerals it contains.
  • It boosts memory.
  • It reduces bad cholesterol.
  • It rejuvenates the skin.
  • It prevents constipation.
  • It makes falling into sleep easier.
  • It provides protection against cancer.
  • It cleans teeth.
  • It provides protection against Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases.

Its harvest season varies between 3rd week of September and 1st week of October by region.

Apple Product Calendar


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