
Carrot, which is known for its benefits to the eye health, is a root vegetable that is produced enormously in specific regions of our country and is consumed fondly by people of all ages. Main harvest season of carrot, which is one of the indispensable salad materials of tables in every season, is fall and winter. Carrot, which is quite rich in vitamins, is also used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry in recent years.

In Motto Fresh, we are providing to your tables the carrot products, which we obtain from Konya and Hatay, i.e. areas where most delicious carrots are produced in Turkey.

Carrots that are produced in Turkey are dark orange, yellow and purple coloured. Carrot, which is also used for pickling in our country, is generally consumed as pickles and canned food in European countries.

Annual carrot production figures exceed 250.000 tons in our country. Carrot is a cool-season crop. Since it is resistant to germination and early cold weather conditions, it may be grown in the spring in cool areas and in the winter in areas with a mild climate.

Benefits of Carrot

  • It contains high level of β-carotene. Therefore, it is effective in providing protection against cancer. The rate of prostate cancer is low in men consuming high amount of carrot, and the risk of breast cancer is low in women consuming high amount of carrot. It is also effective in prevention of lung cancer.
  • It is also beneficial to the heart thanks to its content of vitamin A and potassium. The risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases as well by intake of β-carotene sufficiently.
  • It is quite effective on eye health. It is protective against xerophthalmia (a medical condition in which the eye fails to produce tears) thanks to its vitamin A content. People consuming carrots have low risk of having cataract. It is recommended to consume carrots regularly from childhood for eye health.
  • It is an important nutrient for diabetics due to its fibrous structure. It balances the blood glucose and prevents it from increasing rapidly.
  • It is also an important nutrient for bowel health. Its soluble pulp feeds beneficial bacteria that are available in bowels and triggers an increase in their number. This process prevents constipation.

Vitamins in Carrot

A, B3, B6, C, K

Carrot Product Calendar


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Hemen Teklif Al
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