
Our varieties of strawberry, which are grown in the fertile soils of Adana and Silifke district in Mersin, will leave a different taste in your mouth with their flavour and smell.

You may meet your daily requirement for vitamin C by our varieties of red and delicious strawberries, which are loved by people from all ages. In Motto Fresh, we are at your service with Festival and Rubygem varieties.

Festival Strawberry

Festival strawberry, which comes to the forefront with its delicious flavour, is a variety of strawberry that is harvested throughout the year.

This variety, which is light red on the inside and red and shiny on the outside, is the most attractive variety of strawberry in terms of its appearance. This variety, which has a conic form, is a source of vitamin C. This variety, which is quite resistant to diseases, is also suitable for transportation

Our Festival strawberries, which are grown at the depth of 700 meters, in soils with low water holding capacity, sandy and loamy soils in Adana and Silifke, Mersin, are of a type referred to as “early bird”. It is preferred frequently since it is resistant to anthracnose disease.

Rubygem Strawberry

It is known for its delicious flavour and excellent smell. This variety, which has shiny, large, sweet and red fruits, is the variety that is preferred the most by domestic and foreign markets.

Rubygem strawberry variety, which is grown in fertile soils of Adana and Silifke district in Mersin, is one of the most consumed varieties of strawberry thanks to its quality. This variety, which draws attention both by its taste and commercial value, may be harvested throughout the year. Rubygem, which is an early bird, is also suitable for transportation.

Vitamins in Strawberry

C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6

Strawberry Product Calendar


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Hemen Teklif Al
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