Black Fig

Black fig, which is brought to our tables after being harvested in late summer and early fall, is literally a source of health thanks to its content with high amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Black fig, which accelerates and facilitates digestion thanks to its highly fibrous structure, softens stool and removes constipation. Black fig, which leaves a different taste in the mouth thanks to its excellent taste and soft skin, has numerous benefits from boosting immunity, rejuvenating skin, supporting digestion to preventing cardiovascular diseases.

In Motto Fresh, we package black figs, which are grown in fertile soils of Adana, Tarsus and Bursa, and provide them to your tables rapidly.

Benefits of Black Fig

  • It contains high amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Thus, it helps cell renewal.
  • It is a digestion friendly nutrient. It makes bowels work, facilitates digestion and prevents constipation.
  • It preserves cardiac health thanks to potassium minerals available in its content.
  • It is good for various stomach disorders, such as ulcer, reflux and gastritis etc., thanks to its highly fibrous structure.
  • It is effective against skin diseases thanks to antioxidants available in its content.
  • It is hair friendly. It feeds hair and hair root by its vitamin C and magnesium content, and thus, gives a natural look to hair.
  • It reduces blood pressure.
  • It balances insulin. Due to its fibrous structure, it is good for diabetics when it is consumed in suitable portions.
  • It cleanses the body, and it provides resistance against eye and respiratory tract diseases.
  • It is good for osteoporosis, eczema and psoriasis.
  • It reduces the risk of breast cancer in women after menopause.
  • It has positive affects on bone and dental health. Phosphor and calcium that are available in its content are good for bones and teeth.
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  • It is suggested to be consumed by pregnant women and developmental-age children.

Vitamins in Black Fig

A, C, K, B

Black Fig Product Calendar


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Hemen Teklif Al
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