Which Fruit must be Consumed in Winter?

It is one of the most important conditions of healthy nutrition to consume fruits and vegetables that are grown in season. Fruits and vegetables consumed in season are rich in both flavour and nutrition value. Also, our nutritional requirements vary based on changing weather and conditions. Plenty of fruits and vegetables must be consumed to strengthen the immune system in winter when the body resistance decreases in particular. Then, which fruits and vegetables must be consumed in winter? Motto Fresh, address of the most healthy and tasty fruits, prepared an article for you on this subject…

What are Winter Fruits and Vegetables?


  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Tangerines
  • Quinces
  • Bananas
  • Pomegranates
  • Grapefruits


  • Cabbages
  • Radishes
  • Celeries
  • Spinaches
  • Chards
  • Leek
  • Carrots
  • Broccolis
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Beets cauliflowers

How Winter Fruits and Vegetables must be Consumed?

Keep a diet rich in vitamin C: Influenza is observed frequently in winter. Therefore, various nutrients, which are rich in vitamin C and which protect the body from common cold, must be consumed, such as lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits etc.

Do not cut vegetables into very small pieces: Winter vegetables, such as leeks, cauliflowers and celeries etc., contain high amount of vitamins C and D. You may cook your meals without cutting such vegetables into very small pieces in order to prevent losing such vitamins.

Do not heat vegetable meals for the second time: It is recommended to not to heat vegetable meals for the second time in order to prevent any decrease in their nutritional values.

Consume fruits instead of fruit juice: Fruits are full of vitamins and pulp. However, fruits must be consumed directly instead of fruit juice since fibres, which constitute the most beneficial part of fruits, may not be available in fruit juice sufficiently.

Why is it Important to Consume Fruits and Vegetables in Season?

Nutrients that are consumed for body health are important. Care must be taken in fruits and vegetables consumed during development processes for effective development and for a rapid recovery in times of illness. Many fruits and vegetables may be grown out of season in the industrial time, but such products do not contain sufficient nutritional values. It is required to consume winter fruits and vegetables in season in order to strengthen the immune system and to protect the body health.

Nutritional Value of Fruits and Vegetables
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